Juz 14: رُبَمَا

Focus on the Akhirah!
We must not let the attractions of this world distract us from our focus on the eternal abode – the Akhirah. The world and what it offers is beautiful, but the Hereafter is unimaginably, ceaselessly much much more beautiful. This world is tempting, but we should not be entirely impressed by it or immersed in what it offers.
We learn that once the Prophet ﷺ was given a silken garment, and its beauty and delicacy astonished the people. On that, Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “No doubt, the handkerchiefs of Sa`d bin Mu`adh in Paradise are better than this.” [Sahih al-Bukhari]
Anything in this world that we find attractive, whether it is someone’s car or their clothes or number of their Insta followers, or whatever it is that they have, remember the blessings of Jannah at that time, and ask Allah ﷻ.
So instead of focusing on worldly pomp and dazzle, or admiring social media influencers, or what others have, let’s focus on our own deeds that will last forever, InShā Allāh. Let’s set our vision to nothing less than Jannah, a Jannah beautiful beyond imagination, a Jannah that is as wide as the heavens and the earth, a Jannah that lasts forever, a Jannah prepared for the righteous.
Question: What will be the age of the people of Jannah?